The businesses in this generation are not built by architects and interns. They are predominantly built by the developers that facilitate a company’s digital interface, without which, a business is right next to not existing.
Much like the businesses are evolving as they integrate with newer technologies, these mobile applications are also evolving with every new addition and every new trend.
What is funny is that the first mobile application was considered to be a product of Nokia mobile phones in 1997. This was the basic and simple arcade game called the ‘snake’. From there, we have come far enough to earn, shop, sell, and stay connected with the rest of the world.
This is the colossal impact of mobile applications catching up with one trend after the other.
Here are the top 4 mobile app development trends to look out for in 2022
1. An upgrade to 5G
We could not have gone about this article without starting here. Even though 5G has been around for a while now, before the year 2022 ends, around 660 million devices are said to accommodate 5G connection.
Unlike a single-step upgrade that it sounds to be, the 5G is estimated to be 100 times as fast as 4G. To bring in more numbers, the 4G latency of 50 milliseconds will be brought straight down to 1 millisecond.
And here is why it matters – application development is not a simple process of creative thinking and successful execution. The developers have to think, function, and develop within the boxes of digital accessibility and technological limitations.
With 5G transformation, developers will have the platform to actualize a plethora of brilliant ideas that were otherwise held down due to speed issues.

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2. The Absolute Integration Of AR And VR
We think that we have experienced the best of AR and VR. And why wouldn’t we? We have seen companies integrate augmented reality in their applications to let users visualize their products and virtually try them on at the click of a button.
We have also seen cosmetic companies and social media applications let people watch their faces in a certain makeover.
We have at least once held in our hands the majestic Visual Reality glasses that immersed us in a different world than our reality.
But in the year 2022, AR and VR are going to skyrocket in ways we could not fathom. The worldwide market for AR and VR, which was around $27 Billion until 2017 is estimated to go up to $209 Billion in 2022.
We will also see most businesses that have a visual appeal to their product like cosmetics, textiles, retail, and fashion integrate mandated AR features in their mobile applications.

3. The Big-B: Blockchain
It is not just the technological limitations that come in the way of app developers and users. There has always been a rational concern about the complications that might arise from compromised or misused data.
This has prevented the mobile application development infrastructure from penetrating the market at its full capacity.
This has especially been the case with applications that work with sensitive data like healthcare and finance.
Blockchain brings in the development of decentralized databases, where fully functioning databases are no longer controlled by an entity, nor will they be so inherently prone to cyberattacks and data thefts.
We can see applications being integrated with every aspect of human life as the data turns to decentralized assets.

4. Agile Apps For Foldable Mobile Phones
Just as much as sometimes the potential of application development is limited by technology, it is equally challenged by it at times.
With companies launching mobile phones with foldable screens, developers will focus on leveraging all this space. Applications will have to be optimized in a way that their visibility and user experience is fit for all types and landscapes of screens.
Especially applications that are based on the visual experience like gaming and streaming will be compelled to use the screen more wisely.
How this will pan out is up to our imagination (mostly the developers’ imagination).

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Hoping that you enjoyed reading through the most anticipated mobile apps development trends in 2022. What are you looking forward to? (The right answer would be ‘a world where data cannot be stolen’).